
2011-2012 Steering Team

2011-2012 Steering Team

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Have You Registered?

Hey mama!

Can you believe that August is almost over? September is just around the corner, and that means that our September 19th Heartland MOPS kick-off is just around the corner, too! Be sure to get in your registrations for MOPS so you can join in on the friendships and fun! And don't forget to invite your friends, neighbors, or even that stressed out mama in the grocery store to join us. Heartland MOPS is for ALL mothers in the Heartland area, whether you are pregnant with your first, elbow-deep in the throes of toddler tantrums, or experiencing your first year of kindergarten you have a place at Heartland MOPS! We have a fun year planned and you don't want to miss it!

More questions? E-mail is at or call Coordinator Lindsey Hutson at 573-334-0467.

We hope to see you there!

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